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boersen_meetings:big_meet_pleasley [2018/07/06 12:42] heupelboersen_meetings:big_meet_pleasley [2023/05/23 11:27] heupel
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 ====== Big Meet Pleasley   UK====== ====== Big Meet Pleasley   UK======
-**9 June 2018 - Big Meet, from 9:00 at Pleasley Colliery, nr. Mansfield, NG19 7PH** 
-|{{:boersen_meetings:big_meet_11.jpg?200|}}|[[|Photos The Big Meet 2018 ]]|+ 
 +|**The Big Meet 15      -  Saturday 10th June @ Pleasley Colliery**|  
 +|[[| 2019 - Photos Big Meet at Pleasley Colliery, nr. Mansfield]]| 
 +|{{:boersen_meetings:big_meet_2023.jpg?direct&200|}}|[[|Photos The Big Meet 2018]]|
 |:::|[[|Video]]| |:::|[[|Video]]|
 |:::|[[ |:::|[[
Zeile 20: Zeile 29:
 [[|Photos The Big Meet 2017  from Gary  Chedgy. Many thanks!]] [[|Photos The Big Meet 2017  from Gary  Chedgy. Many thanks!]]
-{{|Photos 2016 }}+{{|Photos 2016 }}
-|{{:meetings:big_meet:thebigmeet9.jpg?200 |}}|{{:meetings:big_meet:bigmeet.jpg?450|}}|+|{{:meetings:big_meet:bigmeet.jpg?650}}|
-{{|Photos 2015}}+{{|Photos 2015}}
-{{|Photos 2014}}+{{|Photos 2014}}
 {{|Photos 2013}} {{|Photos 2013}}
-{{|Photos 2008}} +{{|Photos 2008}} 
boersen_meetings/big_meet_pleasley.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/05/20 14:53 von heupel